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GROW - Development of woman self-help group in the area of multifunctional farming

LRF bit planota NVO mali          Minstrstvo za javno upravo LOGO


The project GROW is dedicated to the development of multi-purpose farming as a possible working field and to social integration of disadvantaged target groups. The main task of the project is to support women living in the countryside, with acquiring additional knowledge and competences for self-development, better employment chances and integration into the job market. More about the project at


Institution Foundation BiT Planota (leading partner); School Centre Nova Gorica (SI); Institute for hospitality and tourism on Planota, so.p. (SI); University Szt. István (HU); INTERLAND, social cooperative (IT); SOFORM SCARL (IT).


  • Supporting women from the countryside to gain the knowledge and competences for self-development, better employment chances and integration into the job market.
  • Enabling women from the countryside to transition easily into employment and/or to further educate themselves on farming, social contents and entrepreneurship in the countryside.
  • Forming a female group for self-help, so that they can overcome the obstacles in learning together, form an entrepreneurship network and motivate each other mutually.
  • Predicting the steps and integrating the prepared programmes and methodology into the school system.
  • Preparing alternatives for integration of multi-functional farming programmes into the local and regional development programmes.


  • Preparing a model for the establishment of a female group for self-help in multi-functional farming.
  • Preparing a manual for the establishment of a female group for self-help in multi-functional farming.
  • Preparing individual educational plans for the female group for self-help in multi-functional farming.
  • Evaluating the prepared programmes and methodology.
  • Preparing the programme for the integration of the programmes and methodologies into the school system.
  • Preparing the programme for the integration of the programmes into the local and regional development programmes.
  • An international conference for the dissemination of the results.


  • Preparation of a female group for self-help model.
  • Preparation of a manual for the establishment of a female group for self-help – in Slovene.
  • Preparation of an individual educational plan for the female group for self-help.
  • Realization of an international conference.


28 months; from 1st September 2014 to 31st December 2016.


Total value is 164.403 €.



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